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Santa Cap

600.00 475.00

you show Santa with a cap in the poster, pulling a real cap from the poster in a result Santa is left with no cap or You could come with a cap and vanish it in the poster showing Santa back with the cap.


Santa Cap
This Xmas perform something special in your show … The Santa Cap ….
A Look Never Seen Before…..!

Effect : Santa feels as if he has lost his cap, he is unaware that his cap is with the magician. In the poster Santa with no hat but, magician show’s his kindness and gives Santa’s cap in a magical way.

Possibility : you show Santa with a cap in the poster, pulling a real cap from the poster in a result Santa is left with no cap or You could come with a cap and vanish it in the poster showing Santa back with the cap.

This trick is a perfect buy, it will create story, gives visual changes, will provide suspense with lot of humor, fun and excitement to your lovely audience … well the trick is also very easy and simple to perform.

It comes with every thing you need to perform also with a safety packing.
See demo